Storage and flexibility of the electricity grid: the ENFLATE project


Storage and flexibility of the electricity grid: the ENFLATE project

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The final event of the TALENT project was held last June 22, at the L42 Business Center in Brussels. As part of the ENFLATE project (ENabling FLexibility provision by all Actors and sectors through markets and digital Technologies), our colleague Manuel R. Reyes Diaz, Smart Energy Solutions at Adaion, joined representatives from 5 other projects to discuss the latest developments in the energy sector. 

The event centered the conversation around batteries and their use to boost the penetration of renewable energies into the power grid, in order to improve grid flexibility while ensuring grid stability.

The six invited projects participated in three sessions, three round tables:

  • A round table, moderated by Lorenzo Dall'Oro (RINA), on the results of TALENT.
  • A round table on management and control of decentralized and hybrid energy systems, moderated by Darja Skrt Georgiev (CyberGrid). In this case, the invited projects were ENFLATE, TIGON, IANOS.
  • A round table on the integration of batteries into the grid to facilitate the provision of flexibility to grid operators, moderated by Wouter IJzermans (BEPA Association). The invited projects were HELIOS, LOLABAT, AGISTIN.

Just before the second round table, Manuel Reyes presented the ENFLATE project. He emphasized that its objectives are the decarbonization of the energy system, to promote the electrification of heat and transport, as well as the connection of more clean but intermittent generation. And, after his presentation, he participated in the discussion, together with representatives of the TIGON, IANOS projects, and expert partners in the TALENT project.

The European TALENT project has developed a software tool capable of managing a set of heterogeneous generation sources, loads and batteries according to different criteria: stability, efficiency, cost, maintenance, environmental and power flow requirements, accessing the status of all energy sources, both RES and non-RES, and batteries. 

The discussion continued on how the energy sector is changing, with the increasing use of renewable energy generation requiring improved grid flexibility while ensuring grid stability, security of supply and local participation. Batteries and storage assets in general are key in this regard.

During the coffee break, there was an opportunity to exchange views and discuss with the other participants. Attendees had the opportunity to identify synergies between their projects regarding the integration of batteries to facilitate the penetration of renewable energy sources and increase grid flexibility.

The flexibility of the power grid

CARTIF and Adaion, together with Cuerva and the municipality of Láchar, are designing and implementing flexibility prediction and modeling tools that will be tested and validated at the demonstration site in Láchar (Granada, Spain). These tools will be integrated into Adaion' proprietary ADAION platform. 

These tools will be tested on Adaion to resolve surges and congestion on the Láchar network. Grid operators such as CUERVA can benefit from the flexibility to manage grid operation and planning, following the massive integration of renewable energy sources. Storage assets and flexible loads are key to successfully manage flexibility in power grids.

About the ENFLATE project

The ENFLATE project brings together a multidisciplinary team from 7 European Union countries (Greece, Belgium, Spain, Bulgaria, Sweden, Denmark and France) and 2 partner countries (Switzerland and UK) with expertise in software developers, infrastructure providers, system operation, standardization, impact assessments and dissemination. 

The project, which began in September 2022 and has a duration of 48 months, pursue design, implement and demonstrate a secure interoperable platform and collaborative tools. An updated multi-energy/vector approach, based on existing H2020 digital platforms and research projects. 

In addition, aims to develop and demonstrate data-based digital tools that enable the participation of multi-energy vector assets in the value chain of flexibility markets. The project will design and demonstrate cost-effective digital solutions and business models, and propose regulatory pathways and non-energy services that enhance sustainability in the EU.

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