Bright data for a bright future

AI in the grid to get real, unified, transparent and optimized data and make bright decisions

TechGridFlexibilityDataArtificial intelligenceSmart decisionsTechGridFlexibilityDataArtificial intelligenceSmart decisions

Cloud based platform that digitalizes your grid by applying data, digital twin, and AI


We integrate information from different types of sources with connectors.



We digitize the measurement, debug and enrich the data to provide a unified model.



Check the real-time status of your MV and LV networks and take decisions based on insights from your data.



Our applications guarantee significant savings in management time, rather than wasting time on manual calculation tools.



Predict the grid behavior leveraging our AI techniques.

Digital Twin


We digitize the infrastructure by creating a model that emulates network behavior.


The energy sector is undergoing a paradigm shift, and therefore there is a need to optimize processes and resources by making the most of digitalization.

Obtaining Unified Data

Real Time

Transparent and Accessible


A platform that leverages information from multiple devices.

Grid Basics

Check the real-time information state of your MV and LV grids at phase level, and take decisions based on the advanced analytics about your grid congestions.

Solar feed-in

Detect automatically solar feed-in facilities in your grid while fast checking their legal state and the cases pending review.

Losses detection

Automatic calculation of LV losses based on multiple sources of information at grid, substation and line levels. Visualization ranging from monthly evolution to hourly curves. 

(Big) Data Integration

Monitor the general state of your overall information from any device, and check how much expected information you are missing and which ones are not reporting.

Flex Grid

Our algorithms can predict congestion and distribution quality issues in the short term related to voltage, intensity, and power, calculating the flexibility required to avoid them and providing solutions by orchestrating the resources available in the area.

Modeling and Forecasting

Among other features, our modules include congestion modelling and forecasting or high-resolution load forecasting based on AI techniques, such as deep learning, fuzzy approach, or inverse power flow.


Run balanced and unbalanced (three-phase) power flows over your MV and LV digital twin and selects the most appropriate data set leveraging the (big) data capabilities of the platform. 

New Requirements Connection

Authorize the connection of new prosumers to MV and LV your grid based on a technical analysis of your digital twin and historical data. 


Adaion is present in innovative projects throughout Europe


Interoperable tools for an efficient management and effective planning of the electricity grid


Pro-sumer AwaRe, Transactive Markets for Valorization of Distributed flexibilITY enabled by Smart Energy Contracts


ENabling FLexibility provision by all Actors and sectors through markets and digital TEchnologies


Big Data & AI Driving Energy Services to Building Sector

We provide you with ongoing support in the transition to more efficient energy management.

Meet the team

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